APA 7 Update for Doctoral Students
If you are a Walden doctoral student working on your capstone, you may be wondering if and when you should be learning APA 7 and transitioning your document to follow the new guidelines. For details on a grace period for students actively working on their final studies or project, please see the Grace Period Update on our APA 7 Transition page.Here are some other key dates to keep in mind regarding the university’s transition to APA 7:
• May 4: All of the Writing Center’s webpages, APA videos, modules, and webinars will be updated for APA 7.
• Summer term starts (May 4 for semester-based programs and June 1 for quarter-based and Tempo programs): Beginning with summer term starts through the end of 2020, the Writing Center’s form and style editors will provide support for both APA 6 and APA 7.
• June 1: Templates for both APA 6 and APA 7 will be available through the Writing Center. We will also provide instructions for adjusting text in an APA 6 doctoral capstone template to comply with APA 7, so that students transitioning from APA 6 to APA 7 in their capstones can avoid starting with a new template.
• January 1, 2021: All doctoral students working on their capstones will follow APA 7 guidelines.
To help doctoral capstone students transition to APA 7, the Writing Center is hosting a new live webinar in May, as well as our regular, all-student APA webinars that have been updated for APA 7. Find the registration information in the links below and on our webinar calendar page. If you’re unable to attend live, you can watch a recording of the webinars, which will be available from our webinar recordings archive.
New webinar for doctoral capstone students:
Wednesday, May 6
1:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Updated webinars for all students:
Wednesday, May 6
7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
To keep updated on APA 7 transition news, bookmark the Writing
Center’s APA 7 transition webpage.

The Walden University Writing Center provides a broad range of writing instruction and editing services for students, including writing assistance for undergraduates, graduate students, and doctoral capstone writers.
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