Thursday Thoughts: June Webinar Live Events!
It's the month of June, which is named after the Roman goddess Juno. The Latin root for June is probably luno, which also became the basis of the word rejuvenate. And with that brief bit of etymology, we hope that our June webinars will help you rejuvenate your passion for academic writing.Cohesion and Flow: Bringing your Paper Together
Wednesday, June 5, 2019 8:00p.m.-9:00 p.m. (Eastern)
You might have great ideas and research, but unless you can bring it all together for your reader, you won't have a strong academic paper. Attend this webinar to learn strategies for developing clear organization, flow, and transitions between ideas in your writing at both the paper and sentence level. Topics discussed include transitions, thesis statements, and organization.
Writing Literature Reviews in your Graduate Coursework
Monday, June 10, 2019 12:00p.m.-1:00p.m. (Eastern)
Are you writing a literature review in one of your master's or doctoral courses? This webinar is for you! Literature reviews often require a large amount of research and organization as you collect multiple perspectives on a topic and synthesize them together. In this webinar, you'll learn tips for how to successfully write a literature review for your courses. Note: This webinar will not address literature reviews in doctoral capstones (dissertations and project studies).
Reference List Checklist
Tuesday, June 18, 2019 3:00p.m.-4:00p.m. (Eastern)
Tired of losing points for APA missteps in your reference list? We will teach you how to spot and correct the 10 most common reference list errors students make. Use our checklist will ensure you do not make these mistakes in your writing!
Incorporating Analysis and Synthesis
Wednesday, June 28, 2019 8:00p.m.-9:00p.m. (Eastern)
Analysis and synthesis are two of the more difficult components to include in academic writing, but at the same time are also two of the most essential. But what are analysis and synthesis and how do you include it in your writing? In this webinar learn what we mean by analysis and synthesis, common problems and oversights, and strategies for integrating them into writing. Students will engage in several analysis and synthesis exercises in this hands-on session.

The Walden University Writing Center offers webinars each month to help academic writers at all levels - both academic and comfort. Additionally, we have blog posts, a pod cast, website, and one-on-one paper reviews to support our student writers.
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