Student Spotlight: Lihn Tran, College of Health Sciences
Monday, June 26, 2017
Social Change
Student Spotlight
Writing Process
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The Walden University Writing Center is privileged to work with talented students. In the Student Spotlight Series, we aim to support incredible work our students do, both in and out of the classroom. The goal of the Student Spotlight Series is to provide the Walden community with a place to build bridges and make connections by developing shared understanding of the diverse and varied student journey. Students share stories about their writing process, their efforts towards social change, and their motivations for pursuing higher education. We ask questions, and students generously answer.This Student Spotlight features Lihn Tran, student of the College of Health Sciences.
How would you describe your personality to someone just meeting you? Someone that just met me will think I am very social and talkative; however, I am mostly private and keep to a small group.
Tell us about your writing process. My writing process involves breaking down the points I need to address and researching each point. I then write what is on my mind regarding the topics. I come back and support my thoughts with researched articles/evidence. I reread the paper to make sure everything makes sense and make changes as needed. I then run the paper through Grammarly. Lastly I submit the paper to Nicole at Walden's Writing Center. Nicole often make great suggestions that make my papers sound brilliant.
What is one Writing Center service you would recommend to new students? The one Writing Center Service I would definitely recommend over the others is the paper reviews. Working with Nicole has greatly improved my writing and make me more confident.
What are some of the most useful lessons you've learned through paper reviews? Some of the most useful lessons I’ve learned through paper reviews are practicing concision and limiting passive sentences.
What inspires you to write? I mainly write papers for my classes. The thing that inspires me to write is a topic that I am passionate about.
Can you describe one writing project or assignment that meant a lot to you in some way? One project that I completed that meant a lot to me was my paper for my policies class. Through this paper I realized my passion for empowering my profession through participation in the political arena. I have never been a political person, however, after this paper, I became more active in my nursing organization and am assisting with the efforts to push for the nurse practitioner’s independent practice in Texas.
What is your educational background? I have my associate's degree in nursing from a community college, my bachelor's of nursing at Western Governor University, and I am currently pursuing my master's degree in psychiatric/mental health nurse practitioner at Walden.
Have you encountered any challenges while at Walden and how did you overcome those challenges? Challenges at Walden and in most online classes would be the autonomy. Most classes are self-taught and self-motivated with very little interaction from the instructors. Another problem is if you have questions, there is really no one to ask. Questions to instructors take time to turnaround, often past the deadline. The way I cope with this is to work ahead and connect with other classmates. Working ahead gives me time to ask questions before the work is due. My classmate and I also brainstorm on issue we don’t fully comprehend, often answering the questions ourselves.
How has your education at Walden influenced how you think about social change? I took a policy class at Walden that ignited my passion for social change. I hope to lend my efforts and votes to help the community as well as promote the nursing profession.
Walden Writing Center provides information and assistance to students
with services like live chat, webinars, course visits, paper reviews,
podcasts, modules, and the writing center webpages. Through these
services they provide students assistance with APA, scholarly writing,
and help students gain skills and confidence to enhance their scholarly
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Technical Tips for Longer Writing Projects
Monday, June 19, 2017
Capstone Writing
Tech Tips
Walden University
Writing Process
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I admit, I definitely have a love-hate relationship with MS
Word; while there are so many options for making the word processing simpler
and ensuring the finished document looks slick, there always seems to be some
quirk or default in the system that makes me feel more like I’m wrestling with
the document rather than revising it.
Once I started to dig into the various functions available
in MS Word and got over some of my fear and anxiety about the software, my
relationship with MS Word improved a lot. Now I recommend many of the functions
I used to nervously avoid, and there are several options I could not do without
when working with longer documents.
Word Support
Remember, there are people out there whose job it is to
help. Playing around with software or new functions you aren’t used to using
can feel intimidating, and sometimes you don’t even know what you don’t know or
what to ask. Take some time to familiarize yourself with the different MS Word resources available through the Academic Skills Center, and you will be
surprised at what you could learn that will help you later on.
If you scan down the menu to the left of the page and review
the resources available at some of those links, you may even recognize
solutions to problems you have encountered before. (I did not even know what a
dot leader was until I had to learn how to fix them.) Plus, you will have a
better idea what Word can do and how you can use it to compose your manuscript.
The Academic Skills Center offers one-on-one support, and
you can either make an appointment or send your questions to
Moving Swiftly yet Carefully in Longer Documents
Beyond the formatting tools are the specific editing
functions in MS Word. While you are not required to use it in your own revision
practice, all Walden students should be well-versed in how to use Track Changes
and the different options for viewing those changes in your document. Your
faculty (such as your chairperson and doctoral committee) will use these
functions to give you feedback on your drafts, and if you do not know how to
view their feedback or incorporate their changes, this can cause frustration on
all sides.
I cannot overstate the usefulness of the editing functions
of Find and Replace. You may want to use the Replace function less frequently
(the “Replace all” option can lead to some confusing and ungrammatical results
if you do not read over everything carefully first), but Find will be your
friend every time.
Scrolling through a document can get tedious, not to mention
hard on the eyes, and printing out your work and reviewing a hard copy will not
guarantee you catch every instance of a word or phrase. The Find function
(which you can access with the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+F” on a PC or
“Command+F” on a Mac) lets you navigate through your document with the greatest
of ease and ensures you locate everything you are looking for (provided you
spelled it correctly…).
You can use the Find function to update verb tenses, check
for acronym or abbreviation use, and locate the first time you cite a specific
source so you know when to use the abbreviation et al. Best of all, you can
quickly confirm whether or not your citations have corresponding reference
entries listed at the end of the document and whether you have only included
reference entries for those sources you directly cited. (Trying to check for
this without the Find function could take hours when you are dealing with
something the size of a dissertation or doctoral study.)
The Limits of Software’s Magic
You still want to avoid relying too heavily on software
options to generate your draft. Some students use citation management software,
for example, to help keep track of their reference and citation information.
None of these systems is perfect, unfortunately, and their adherence to APA can
range from the merely imperfect to the terrible, so make sure you know APA well
enough to proofread for errors, and try to avoid using a system that does not
let you add your own changes easily.
Do not be afraid to experiment with technical options for
revising and organizing your document. If you label files clearly and save
often, there is nearly no mistake you cannot undo, so be brave. If, for
example, you replace the wrong thing or delete something you meant to keep, you
can always undo it and move on. The more practice you have working with the
different technical options available to you, the more you can revise like a
Lydia Lunning is a Dissertation Editor and the Writing Center's Coordinator for Capstone Services. She earned degrees from Oberlin College and the University of Minnesota, and served on the editorial staff of Cricket Magazine Group.
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Prompted to Write: A Guide for Using Walden Assignment Prompts to Your Advantage
Monday, June 12, 2017
Expert Advice
Learning Styles
Writer's Workshop
Writing Process
As a student at Walden, you’re often likely provided with
lengthy and descriptive prompts for your discussion board, application, and
capstone assignments. These prompts are there to guide you to think and write
about specific and complex topics. However, since the prompts are complex, it’s
not uncommon for students to write papers that don’t fully adhere to the
prompt. So, in this blog post, I’m going to offer some tips for how to ensure
that your assignments adhere to the prompt as you prewrite and also as you
Adhering to the Prompt as you Prewrite
The best way to ensure that your paper adheres to the prompt
is to start off strong with prewriting.
Prewriting includes brainstorming, taking notes, and outlining to prepare as
you write your paper. Here are some strategies you can use as you prewrite to prepare
yourself to write a paper that adheres to the prompt:
1. Identify the main questions or topics that the prompt is
asking you to address. Many Walden assignment prompts come in 3 parts: (1)
Introductory information, (2) Steps to accomplish as you prepare to write, and
(3) Directives for the paper. The first two parts are helpful and let you know
what to do to prepare, but it’s this third part that tells you what to do in
your paper. The questions or requests posed there are the directives of the
prompt that tell you what to do in your paper.
2. Read through the prompt closely and highlight important
information. This likely means that you’ll read the prompt a few times and take
notes. Highlight important information such as page length requirements,
sources you need to use, directives (like analyze, explore, argue, describe,
summarize), and the questions you should address. You can make a checklist for
yourself with this important information.
3. Reframe the directives in the prompt as topic sentences for paragraphs. For example, if the prompt states the following,
“Explain which Writing Center resources you used,” you could reframe this
directive as a topic sentence in this way: “In the pursuit of improving my
writing skills, I used Writing Center resources including webinars, paper
reviews, and website content.”
4. Outline
your paper using language from the writing prompt. Once you have identified all
of the directives in the assignment prompt and composed topic sentences for
paragraphs, you can craft an outline. Organize these topics in a way that makes
sense to you, and then plan for an introduction paragraph with a thesis statement, a conclusion paragraph, and any section headings that might be relevant. From there, start writing the essay. Using
the outline which was crafted from the prompt will help keep you in line with
the prompt.
Adhering to the Prompt as you Revise
Another way to ensure that your paper adheres to the prompt
is through revision.
Revision means re-seeing the paper and it requires looking back at ideas to
make sure that everything fits the purpose of the paper. Here are some revision
strategies which you can employ to ensure your paper adheres to the assignment
5. Create a reverse outline of your paper and compare the outline to the prompt. Take notes and
ask yourself with each paragraph: What is this paragraph doing, and how does it
relate to the prompt and advance my ideas? If you see discrepancy between your
reverse outline and the prompt, then revise your content to more clearly
address the prompt. This might include creating a new outline, revising a topic
sentence, cutting length, or adding content.
6. Use the prompt as a checklist and compare highlighted
important information in the prompt with the content of your draft. If you see
a discrepancy between the important information in the prompt and your content,
revise to adhere to that important information. This might include expanding a
whole section of your paper, cutting content or adding content to meet length
requirements, integrating more sources, or developing some ideas.
7. Re-read the prompt and remind yourself of the audience and
purpose for the assignment. Then, re-read your paper draft and ask yourself:
Does this meet the needs of the audience and adhere to the purpose for the
assignment? If you find places where your content does not meet the needs of
the assignment and adhere to the purpose, then go back to pre-writing and do
some outlining and planning to revise your content to meet the needs of the
audience and purpose.
8. Talk to your faculty. If you’ve gone through these steps and
still aren’t sure if your paper addresses the prompt, ask your faculty!
One thing you’ll notice in all of these tips is that the
prompt is part of every step. It’s easiest to write a paper that adheres to the
prompt if referring to the prompt is an integral part of your writing process.
I hope that these tips provide you with some strategies to approach your next
If you’d like to learn more strategies for interpreting and
addressing Walden assignment prompts, you can watch our Strategies for Demystifying Walden Assignment Prompts webinar recording or listen to
our WriteCast Episode 11: "Doesn’t Meet Requirements"—Strategies for Following Your Assignment Instructions podcast.
Jes Philbrook is a Writing Instructor and the Coordinator of Doctoral Writing Assessment in the Walden University Writing Center. Jes has been a writing tutor for over a decade, and in all those years of tutoring, one of her favorite things to do with students is to help them decipher their writing assignments and then plan or revise their paper to address the prompt. This post has been percolating in her brain all those years. In her free time, you can find Jes walking her neighbor’s dogs, tending to her basil garden, or playing games with her family and friends.
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Writecast Episodes 39 & 40: Positive Writing Affirmations
Thursday, June 08, 2017
Reading & Writing
Scholarly Writing
Writing Process
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Hello, writers! In this month’s two-part podcast episode, we’re
presenting how to put a positive spin on your writing process with
affirmations. In Part I, Brittany and Beth discuss positive affirmations and how
they can impact your writing in a beneficial way. Brittany also makes a special
announcement in this episode, so turn up the volume. In Part II, listen to some affirmations and repeat them aloud to
practice mindfulness and positivity when getting into your writing head space.
As a preview, here are some of the positive writing affirmations that our hosts will introduce to you during these episodes:
Click on the player below to listen to each episode now! If you'd like to download the episodes, click the share button on the player, and then click the download button. To find a transcript of the episodes or our episode archive, head over to our WriteCast: A Casual Conversation for Serious Writers homepage. Happy Listening! As a preview, here are some of the positive writing affirmations that our hosts will introduce to you during these episodes:
- I am always learning.
- My goal is progress, not perfection.
- I will be kind to myself as I write.
- I am going to put away distractions and focus on my writing.
- My hard work today will pay off.
- And many others!!!
Start with Part 1 of the Positive Writing Affirmations episode:
And then listen to Part 2 of the episode to practice the affirmations:
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Acknowledgements and Dedication Pages: A Guide for Capstone Writers
Monday, June 05, 2017
Capstone Writing
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Scholarly Writing
writing style
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My post today applies specifically to capstone writers –
more specifically, to capstone writers who are finishing their dissertations
and doctoral studies. Today, I address the Dedication and Acknowledgements
pages of the capstone document.
The Dedications and Acknowledgements pages are optional
pages, which appear in the preliminary section of the capstone document before
the text. They are inserted after the title page and before the Table of
Contents. They provide a space for capstone writers to personally thank family
members, friends, committee members, mentors, and others who have contributed,
in some way, to a student’s research and academic development.
Today, I want to offer my editor’s perspective on how
students might approach composing these pages should they wish to include them
in their studies. As someone who edits capstone studies on a daily basis for form
and style, I hope I can offer helpful insight about how to ensure that these
pages are correctly formatted and convey appropriate scholarly voice.
To ensure that these pages are correctly formatted, you will
want to use the template for your program. It is very important that you work
from the most up-to-date template. These can be accessed by clicking on the
Programs page of the Doctoral Capstone Form and Style website. Here, you can
also watch a quick Template Demonstration Video for a quick overview of how to
work with your program template.
The templates include ready-made pages for the Dedication
and Acknowledgements, which are correctly formatted per template formatting
specifications. You can either copy your text to these pages or compose your
text in the space provided. You will notice that the Dedication and
Acknowledgements headings are formatted as APA Level 0 (i.e., they are
centered, in upper and lowercase, and in regular not bold typeface).
Also, the text is formatted as a paragraph (i.e., the first
line of each paragraph is indented five spaces) and should look the same as
those in the rest of your document. Lines should be double-spaced, and the font
and font size should be consistent with what is used within your document. (APA
recommends use of 12 point type in Times New Roman typeface.) These pages are
not paginated.
Regarding content, when reviewing these pages, I do line
edit them for grammar and APA style. I recognize, however, that these pages are
intended to provide a personal space for students to convey very individual
information. There are no program guidelines, for instance, for this content.
I do encourage students to be precise, concise,
professional, and respectful in writing these pages. While the content is more
personal and intimate than that in the text, it should still be in accord with
APA values (namely, scholarly voice and economy of expression), in my opinion.
I think it is as important to avoid biased language in the Acknowledgements
page as it is in the text. Similarly, I encourage students to be as precise as
possible and avoid unnecessary words just as they do in the text.
Composing the Dedication and Acknowledgements in this way
will help ensure that the overall document has consistency in terms of content
and appearance. It will also help to reinforce a polished, professional image
for its author. An Acknowledgements section that is rambling or unfocused or
which includes what might be seen as personal attacks will likely detract from
the desired professional and scholarly image that most students want to
cultivate. Remember that these pages will be accessible to anyone who downloads
your study, perhaps years from now.
When composing these pages, take care not to compromise the
confidentiality of your study site and research participants or violate a
signed confidentiality agreement. Walden strongly recommends that students not
name their study sites, even if they have written permission to do so, in their
capstone studies. This recommendation is rooted in a concern for protecting
participants’ privacy. To avoid this issue, consider using a general descriptor
if you wish to acknowledge your participants and its personnel – for example,
“I wish to thank my interviewees and staff members at my research setting for their participation and
assistance.” See the Doctoral Capstone Form and Style website for more
information on confidentiality in the capstone document.
Hopefully, my thoughts are helpful to students as they write
or revise these pages of their studies. Keep up the good work!
Tara Kachgal is a dissertation editor in the Walden University Writing Center. She has a Ph.D. in mass communication from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and teaches for the School of Government's online MPA@UNC program. She resides in Chapel Hill and, in her spare time, serves as a mentor for her local running store's training program.
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June Webinar Update
Thursday, June 01, 2017
Capstone Writing
Discussion Posts
Reading & Writing
Scholarly Writing
Writing Process
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Happy June, Walden students! We hope your summer months are off to a sunny start! This month we have a range of webinars from APA to Capstone writing.
Every webinar presents
students with a live, interactive setting where you can ask questions of
writing center staff, work on practice exercises and questions, and develop a
better understanding of the topic being presented. This month, our topics include APA basics, paper development, the capstone writing transition, and critical thinking. Check out our schedule below. All times listed in EST.
You can click these links to register for the
webinar ahead of time! If you can’t attend live, don’t worry—you can check out our entire Webinar Recording Library here.
If you have any questions
about our webinar schedule or appointment scheduling system, e-mail us at We hope
to see you there!
Walden Writing Center provides information and assistance to students
with services like live chat, webinars, course visits, paper reviews,
podcasts, modules, and the writing center webpages. Through these
services they provide students assistance with APA, scholarly writing,
and help students gain skills and confidence to enhance their scholarly
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