Thursday Thoughts: Global Days of Service Sneak Peek
Across Walden, there are murmurings of our upcoming Global Days of Service, which begin next Monday and continue throughout the week, October 17th to the 23rd. Empowered by a university mission statement that focuses on social change, the entire Walden community participates in our Global Days of Service with excitement, passion, and purpose. This is a "fun, weeklong celebration that underscores our mission of social change by encouraging all members of our community to volunteer and make a difference. With multiple days and opportunities to volunteer, you are sure to find a project that you can be passionate about and that fits your schedule."To participate in Walden's Global Days of Service, you can
- Read and comment here on the Writing Center blog or on our Facebook page; we would love to hear about your involvement in positive social change
- Join the Writing Center for our live, interactive webinar, "Writing for Social Change: Exploring Perspectives," on Wednesday, October 19th, from 7-8pm EST
- Email to inquire about volunteer opportunities in a number of cities across the U.S.
- Check out the Walden library's Journal of Social Change database
- Participate in Walden's annual Scholars of Change video contest with a chance to win up to $4000 for yourself and $500 for your charity of choice; share your "why" with the Walden community; what motivates you and drives you to action?
- Review Walden's social change scholarship awards and consider applying
However you choose to participate in creating positive social change in your communities, know that we at the Writing Center proudly stand behind you and support your efforts. We feel lucky to read about many of your social change efforts in your writing. Through your actions, you are impacting the lives of others in meaningful ways.
Thank you for all that you do.
Walden University provides a diverse community of career professionals with the opportunity to transform themselves as scholar-practitioners so that they can effect positive social change.
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