WriteCast Episode 11: "Doesn’t Meet Requirements"—Strategies for Following Your Assignment Instructions -->

Where instructors and editors talk writing.

WriteCast Episode 11: "Doesn’t Meet Requirements"—Strategies for Following Your Assignment Instructions

doesn't meet requirements
So, you may have had this experience...where you feel really, really strong about something that you turn in into your course. You've spent a lot of time on this assignment, you've put a lot of effort into it, and you're probably feeling really proud of it. And then you get it back with your instructor's comments on it, and you find that you've lost points because your instructor says that the paper doesn't meet the requirements or follow the assignment instructions. Now, if you've ever had an experience like that, I think you'll find this episode really helpful. - Host Brittany
This month, Nik and Brittany talk about strategies for understanding and following your assignment instructions. 

To download the episode to your computer, press the share button on the player above, then press the download button. Visit the Writing Center's WriteCast page for our episode archive and transcripts. Happy listening!


is hosted by writing instructors Nikolas Nadeau and Brittany Kallman Arneson and produced by writing instructor Anne Shiell. Check out the podcast archive for more episodes. 

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  1. I just finished listening to this podcast on how to successfully complete a discussion assignment. It is an excellent resource. Thank you.

    'Bode Akindele

  2. Thank you so much for your kind words, 'Bode! We hope you'll keep listening--and reading! :)
