WriteCast Episode 7: Interview with Amy Kubista, EdD Student and Writing Center Staff Member

Many students work hard to find a balance between school, career, and family life; Amy Kubista, EdD student and Manger of Writing Instructional Services at the Walden Writing Center, is no exception. This month, Nik sits down with Amy to talk about how she strives for that balance, her motivation for pursuing her degree, and writing advice.
To download the episode to your computer, press the share button on the player above, then press the download button. Visit the Writing Center's WriteCast page for our episode archive and transcripts. Happy listening!
How are your experiences different from or similar to Amy's? Do you have other strategies to help you achieve work-life-academic balance?
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Capstone Calendars: A Plan for Success
Writing Resources tab on the Writing Center website
Life Cycle of a Paper Webinar
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Thanks Amy! I truly enjoyed listening to your interview. You made some useful and practical point regarding how to establish a balance among home life, work and school. I particularly liked how you established set hours and designated place to accomplish your school work. I struggle with this issue; therefore, I will implement these suggestions.
Régine DeJean
So glad you found Amy's interview helpful, Régine! Best of luck to you in all your many endeavors!