"Sprint" Towards Motivation!*
Sometimes just getting started writing
can be the most daunting task. Even though I am an experienced writer, I still
struggle when I start a writing project. However, once the first few sentences
are on the page, I can generate ideas much more easily, and I experience what
psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (1997) calls flow. In a state of flow,
I lose myself in the joy of writing and forget about time and outside pressures.
Flow is different than just enjoying an activity like binge watching a series on Netflix or eating a favorite food. You cannot engage in flow as a passive participant. Flow is experienced from the joy of actively producing (Csikszentmihalyi, 1997), and it is something that has been studied in education and writing, but also in sports such as archery, golf, and billiards (Gute & Gute, 2008). Athletes who sprint build muscle recovery ability and increase their resistance to fatigue (Girard et al., 2011); similarly, writers who engage frequently in short bursts of writing develop fluency and the ability to focus quickly on a writing task (Literacy Information and Communication System, n.d.). The flow states kicks in when the writer or athlete has formed the habits, knows what to do, and engages fully in act of writing itself.
So how do you get from the monolithic
blank page to an enjoyable state where the writing you have planned becomes a
natural expression rather than halting stumbles of a few words that you type
and delete in fits of frustration? Although achieving a state of flow does
require mindfulness and experiencing a challenge, researchers have found a
positive correlation between a perception of encouraging feedback and the
experience of flow. This indicates that the more people trust their ability to meet
a challenge, the more likely their performances are to meet their expectations
(Gute & Gute, 2008). Turning off your inner critic and writing boldly and
fearlessly, giving yourself permission to make mistakes that you know you can
deal with later, can help open the pathway to flow.
Many writers experience difficulties
getting started on writing projects in isolation. Once more, science provides
insight into why this may be true, as studies conducted on flow have found that
social flow, or flow experiences created in a group setting, were rated as more
enjoyable than solitary flow (Salanova et al., 2014; van den Hout et al., 2018;
Walker, 2009).
Student writers can apply this research in a practical way. Using in-person café writing groups and social media to create a sense of community in writing, without any judgment on the quality of the work, can be valuable techniques (Mewburn et al., 2014). This is where the social media challenge to “writing sprints” comes in.
In a writing sprint challenge, the
goal of the activity is to write for a given block of time and report back only
on the number of words produced. Comparing sprint writing to longer intensive
boot camp or binge writing sessions,[1] studies have shown that frequent sprint
writing produces more in the long term (Friesen, 2014). In a sprint, writers
announce challenges or personal goals on social media such as Twitter,
Facebook, discussion boards, etc., and they can be set to any length of time. Some
find the structure of “sets” such as the Pomodoro method[2]
helpful, whereas others would rather sprint more spontaneously with their
Whichever method you prefer, publicly throwing down the gauntlet in a space where other writers can bear witness to the challenge (in a private writing group, on a class discussion board, or just on a Walden University Facebook page) is a great way to create accountability to just start writing. Using social media to your advantage rather than as a distraction can be a great source of motivation. These challenges can help you produce more writing than you would working alone. So, here’s a challenge: try a writing sprint sometime this week. Set a timer for 10-30 minutes and keep writing until it goes off. Once you get started writing, (especially if you know others are engaged in writing as well), you might achieve the rewarding flow experience that leads to the successful completion of your writing project.
Cirillo, F. (n.d.). Pomodoro
technique. https://francescocirillo.com/pages/pomodoro-technique
Csikszentmihalyi, M.
(1997). Creativity: Flow and the
psychology of discovery and invention. HarperCollins.
Friesen, E. L. (2014). Structures,
snacks, sprints, and socializing: Strategies to increase writing output for AT
practitioners. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 217,
Girard, O., Mendez-Villanueva, A., &
Bishop, D. (2011). Repeated-sprint ability — Part I: Factors contributing to
fatigue. Sports Medicine, 41(8), 673–694. https://doi-org./10.2165/11590550-000000000-00000
Gute, D., & Gute, G.
(2008). Flow writing in the liberal arts core and across the disciplines: A
vehicle for confronting and transforming academic disengagement. The Journal
of General Education, 57(4), 191-222. https://doi.org/10.1353/jge.0.0026
Literacy Information and
Communication System. (n.d.). Increase the amount of student writing. https://lincs.ed.gov/state-resources/federal-initiatives/teal/guide/studentwriting
Mewburn, I., Osbone, L.,
& Caldwell, G. (2014). Shut up & write!: Some surprising uses of cafés
and crowds in doctoral writing. In C. Aitchison & C. Guerin (Eds.), Writing
groups for doctoral education and beyond: Innovations in practice (pp.
218-232). Routledge.
Salanova, M., Rodriguez
Sanchez, A. M., Schaufeli, W. B., Cifre, E. (2014). Flowing together: A
longitudinal study of collective efficacy and collective flow among workgroups.
The Journal of Psychology Interdisciplinary and Applied 148(4), 435-455.
Van den Hout, J. J. J.,
Davis, O. C. & Weggeman, M. C. D. P. (2018). The conceptualization of team
flow. The Journal of Psychology 152(6), 388-423. https://doi.org/10.1080/00223980.2018.1449729
Walker, C. (2009).
Experiencing flow: Is doing it together better than doing it alone? The
Journal of Positive Psychology, 5(1), 3-11. http://doi.org/10.1080/17439760903271116
[1] There has
been some conflation of the term “writing sprint” with what is actually a
“writing binge” where writers spent an intensive multiday period writing on a
single topic.
[2] The
Pomodoro method was pioneered by Francesco Cirillo (n.d.), where tasks are
chunked into 25-minute blocks of time, with a short break allowed, and then
another 25-minute block of time, followed by a short break, and this pattern
continues until 4 of the 25-minute blocks have been completed, and a 20-to-30-minute
break is allowed.
*The terrible, punny title of this post was crafted by the current project manager of the blog. Lauri should not be held responsible.
Lauri Barnes is a Writing Instructor at Walden University, and has worked in online writing centers since 2014. She has over two decades of teaching experience and loves supporting writers through the writing process. She is an aficionado of coffee, tea, mysteries, data, Star Wars, Doctor Who, all things nerdy and geeky, science, faith, kindness, and hope. She lives in the panhandle of Florida with her husband, daughter, two sons, and their cat.
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