September Webinar Preview
It's back to school season and, if you are a new student, returning student, or if you have never taken a break, there is that feeling of getting a fresh start that comes with September. To get into the academic mood, consider attending one of the Writing Center's September webinars. They cover a variety of topics relevant to writing assignments in your Walden University classes.
Here are the September webinars:
Date: Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Time (Eastern): 6:00 - 7:00pm
Audience: All students
Date: Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Time (Eastern): 3:00 - 4:00pm
Audience: All students
Date: Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Time (Eastern): 12:00 - 1:00pm
Audience: All students
Date: Thursday, September 21, 2017
Time (Eastern): 7:00 - 8:00pm
Audience: All students
Date: Thursday, September 28, 2017
Time: 4:00 - 5:00pm
Audience: Doctoral students working on final capstone draft
The full list of September webinars can be found on this page. Should these dates and times not work for you, remember that we record all sessions. The webinar recording archive houses all past webinars. Happy webinar viewing!
The Walden University Writing Center presents weekly webinars on a range of topics related to scholarly writing, APA style, and the writing process. In addition to webinars, the writing center offers paper reviews, live chat, and a podcast to support writers during all stages of their academic careers.
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AWA Student Spotlight: Ashley Hill
Monday, August 28, 2017
Fun With Writing Center Staff
Student Spotlight
Writing Center Services
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The Writing Center’s Administrative Writing Assistants (AWAs) are at the front line of the inbox, performing necessary tasks to make the Writing Center run smoothly. Writing Center AWAs are an integral part of the Writing Center as they communicate regularly with students. But, the AWAs are also Walden students, and thus integral to Walden University itself. That’s why we’d like to share some of their stories of academic success, professional accomplishment, social change work, and advice for other Walden students. In this spotlight series, we show our appreciation for all their hard work so that others can be inspired by their stories as well.
Today's spotlight is on Ashley Hill, a student in the College of Health Sciences.
Originally from Ohio, Ashley now lives in Georgia after traveling around bit. As a graduate of Walden’s Masters in Public Health program, Ashley continued her education by enrolling in Walden’s PhD program in Public Health, specializing in Epidemiology; she currently scheduled her final oral defense. After graduation, she plans to teach and work in the field of infectious disease. Committed to Walden’s social change mission, Ashley is interested in public health for social change—health issues such as the growing issue of opioid dependency, the Zika virus, violence against women, and necrotizing fasciitis (the focus of her dissertation). As a single mother, Ashley balances working on her doctorate degree, spending time with her daughter, and volunteering for emergency preparedness for a local public health district in central Georgia. We asked Ashley some questions about her work as an AWA and tips she has for writers.
Walden University Writing Center (WUWC):What do you enjoy about your AWA work?
Ashley Hill (AH): I enjoy the plethora of activities we do as AWA’s, but I enjoy helping students in any small way the most.
WUWC: What are the most common questions you find in the in box and what feedback do you provide regarding these questions?
AH: Common questions sent to the inbox are often questions about referencing specific sources (i.e. journals, books, or websites). For the best understanding, I refer students to the common reference examples, institutional reports, and webpage references.
WUWC: How have you struggled as a writer and how have you overcome that struggle?
AH: I had an issue with anthropomorphism and as I work on my dissertation, I’ve experienced issues with writing concisely. I think learning about what writing issue patterns may arise in your writing is the first step towards revising. Second, I found help from peers, dissertation workshops, and my family to improve my writing.
WUWC: What writing (drafting, revising, editing) tips do you have for other students?
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Ashley's family |
WUWC: What Writing Center resource(s) have you used that you found helpful, and why?
AH: There are quite a bit of resources at the Writing Center that are helpful. As I mention previously, the reference list pages but also outlining, templates, tables and figures, paper reviews (if you are working on course work, the premise, or prospectus), [Academic Skills Center] workshops (if you are working on your dissertation), and so much more.
WUWC: As a Walden student yourself, what academic advice would you give other Walden students?
AH: Listen to your professors and allow them to guide you. In my experience, there were an endless number of great professors at Walden. Additionally, use the resources available—the Writing Center, Career Services, Center for Research Quality, and any other sources. There are some universities that do not offer this amount of help so be grateful Walden has these resources.
Ashley celebrated her three year anniversary as an AWA this past April, and we have been greatly privileged to have her as part of our Writing Center—for the Writing Center, AWA’s such as Ashley are a valuable part of our Writing Center support team.
The Walden Writing Center provides information and assistance to students with services like live chat, webinars, course visits, paper reviews, podcasts, modules, and the writing center webpages. Through these services they provide students assistance with APA, scholarly writing, and help students gain skills and confidence to enhance their scholarly work. Students can email and expect a reply from one of our expert AWAs.
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Thursday Thoughts: Self-care and the Walden Student
Being a student is just one of the ways you define yourself.
All of us here in the Writing Center have many titles and fill many roles. We
know what it is like. Parent, spouse, employee, student, caregiver, and friend
may be just some of the ways you think of yourself. Missing from that list is:
self. So many of us fail to take care of ourselves in the process of filling
the other roles, which tend to either serve or focus on the needs of others.
Although student
may seem like another responsibility, this title can actually work to help you
care for your self. Stick with me on this one! While being a student requires a
lot of work, rigorous thinking, and demands on your time, it also provides you
with the opportunity to think about who you are as a person. What will I do
with my degree and what I have learned? How do my actions have a positive
influence on society? What are my goals? What do I want to get done today? Some of the tasks you do as a
student, from discussion posts to proposing research, ask you to reflect on
these things. That reflection can serve double-duty as it completes the
assignment and gives you a moment to think about what you do and who you are as
a person.
Also, as a Walden student, we have resources to help you
find wellness and moments of reflection:
- Include positive affirmations as part of your daily routine.
- Explore mindful writing practices in this two part WriteCast podcast series: Taking Care of Yourself with Mindful Writing and a Mindful Writing Walk-Through
- How can your cat help inspire writing?
Remember that writing is more than a task. It is a process that involves both your intellect and body. As writers, we have to remember to take the time for self-care and not overlook the ability for writing to be part of that self-care regimen. If you have any writing and self-care tips, please share them with us in the comments!
The Walden University Writing Center is dedicated to supporting students throughout the writing process, including care of, and a focus on, the student as a writer. Our goal is to improve the writer, not just the writing.
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AWA Student Spotlight: Leah Marie Silverman
The Writing Center’s Administrative Writing Assistants (AWAs) are at the front line of the inbox, performing necessary tasks to make the Writing Center run smoothly. Writing Center AWAs are an integral part of the Writing Center as they communicate regularly with students. But, the AWAs are also Walden students, and thus integral to Walden University itself. That’s why we’d like to share some of their stories of academic success, professional accomplishment, social change work, and advice for other Walden students. In this spotlight series, we show our appreciation for all their hard work so that others can be inspired by their stories as well.
Today's spotlight is on Leah Silverman,
Leah Silverman is currently seeking her PhD in Public Policy
and Administration. Having completed her coursework, and awaiting approval of
her prospectus, she will be working on her dissertation soon. Leah’s moved
around the United States since she was a child. While she lives in the
Mid-Atlantic region now, she’s lived in the South, Midwest, New England, and
the Intermountain West. One thing Leah learned from living in various places
across the U.S. is that a person “can find great landscapes, great people, and
great food wherever you go.”
We asked Leah to share about her AWA work, tips for students reaching out the Writing Center inbox, Writing Center resources she uses and values, and how she, as a student, balances life, work, family, and or other responsibilities. Here are her responses:
Walden University Writing Center (WUWC): What do you enjoy about your Administrative Writing Assistance (AWA) work?
Leah Silverman (LS): I’m so excited about helping other students succeed at Walden. I have had the best experience as a Walden student, and I love giving back to this community. Getting answers to writing and APA questions may be a small part of students’ experience at Walden, but I hope to provide the information they need to be successful in their academic progress.
WUWC: What are the most common questions you find in the in box and what advice / feedback do you provide regarding this question?
LS: Many of the questions I see are related to correctly citing unusual sources. Sometimes a source doesn’t quite fit the template the APA manual provides. Sometimes a reference must be pieced together with different components from multiple templates. The advice I give to students in these circumstances is to remember the purpose the references list serves: guiding your reader back to the source in the most direct, accessible way. Often, putting that into perspective makes it clear how best to cite an otherwise confusing source.
WUWC: What Walden resources have you used and how have they benefited you?
LS: I am very fond of all Walden’s webinars. Of course, the Writing Center has a huge collection of webinars that focus on everything from brainstorming tips to APA guidelines to paraphrasing and more. As well, the Library, the Career Center, the Academic Skills Center, all have amazing webinars. Walden has an amazing student support system, and I’ve found the webinars key to accessing all of that information.
WUWC: How do you, as a student, balance life, work, family, and or other responsibilities?
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Leah's family |
LS: I’m a big fan of my day planner. I do best when I schedule time in blocks so that I can categorize my responsibilities. If I allow one hour for housework, then I do as much laundry as I can in that hour, but when time is up, time is up. If I have scheduled two hours to dissertation research, then I do as much as I can in those two hours, and then I call it quits and move on to the next thing. Admittedly, some days just don’t go according to plan (especially with children who are not concerned with my schedule), and I’ve learned to let it go and try again tomorrow.
Thanks, Leah! We at the Writing Center are lucky to have such a dedicated colleague—you are a true asset to us as part of our Writing Center support team, and we know that students appreciate your work as well.
The Walden Writing Center provides information and assistance to students with services like live chat, webinars, course visits, paper reviews, podcasts, modules, and the writing center webpages. Through these services they provide students assistance with APA, scholarly writing, and help students gain skills and confidence to enhance their scholarly work. Students can email and expect a reply from one of our expert AWAs.
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Thursday Thoughts: New DOI Formatting Guidelines from CrossRef.Org, the group that organizes and tracks DOI numbers recently updated their preferences for what a doi number should look like in reference entries. As of March 2017, they now prefer the use of before the doi number.
CrossRef doi format preference:
Previous format: doi:10.xxxx/xxxx
The purpose of the change in formatting is to simplify the process of using a DOI to find a source. It is important to note, however, that APA requirements allow for either the new or old formatting. The policy here at Walden is to follow APA guidelines unless otherwise instructed. This means (for now) that a DOI can be presented with either the or doi: before it. Whichever formatting you decide to use in your references list, make sure you use it consistently throughout.
For a bit of context, that number that comes at the end of each reference entry for an electronic source is called a DOI, or a digital object identifier. This number is unique to that specific article or source and can be used to locate the source in a database or through the website. You can think of it like being the social security number, national insurance number, or ID for each of your sources.
Want to explore DOI some more?
APA Style Blog explains the change in formatting
requirements in this post.
Review the definition of a DOI in this blog post from a
Walden editor.
Learn how to look up the DOI number for a source.
The Walden University Library is also here to help find or understand DOI numbers, along with the rest of the research process.
Walden University Writing Center offers support to writers during all phases of the writing process. Through paper reviews, modules, webinars, a podcast and more, students can learn the ins and outs of drafting, revising, and perfecting APA style.
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Student Spotlight: Shaima Alraiy, College of Social and Behavior Science
The Walden University Writing Center is privileged to work with talented students. In the Student Spotlight Series, the WUWC aims to support incredible work our students do, both in and out of the classroom. The goal of the Student Spotlight Series is to provide the Walden community with a place to build bridges and make connections by developing shared understanding of the diverse and varied student journey. Students share stories about their writing process, their efforts towards social change, and their motivations for pursuing higher education. We ask questions, and students generously answer.This Student Spotlight features Shaima Alraiy, student of the College of Social and Behavior Science.
What are some of the most useful lessons you've learned
through paper reviews?
The paper review was a huge learning experience for me. The
feedback I received from the Writing Center was significantly constructive and
valuable. It helped me better understand the use of the
APA Style in a practical way through the suggestions and examples provided by
the Writing Center Instructors. In some of my courses, I received minimal
feedback from instructors but that was compensated by the feedback I received
from the paper reviews. Through the feedback I received from the Writing Center, I was guided on how to find answers to my questions by always referring
to the prompt of the assignment or discussion post. The suggestions of
enhancing structure and using more formal and suitable words enhanced my
language substantially. I have to admit that what I learned through the Writing
Center paper review did not only enhance my work at Walden but also my writing
for my work.
What does social change mean to you?
To start talking about social change, I would like to share
an excerpt from my first discussion post in my current PhD program. "You
changed my life." That was an honest statement an 11-year-old boy said to
me in the closing ceremony of a project called "from Child to Child"
that I was coordinating in sponsorship by UNICEF in 2006. That phrase made me
speechless with no words to respond back. That phrase was ringing in my mind
non-stop for a long time until it made me realize its meaning and the
achievement behind it. I have not seen that child again, but I can never forget
his words and smiling face. He made me realize that I can be of help, and I can
be a change agent. He drafted my first rough goal in life which is to help
children, who I believe are both current citizens and future leaders.
That was an introduction that I wrote in my first discussion
post in my first course in this Ph.D. program. Social change, which is the main
goal in all I do, is also the motive, which made me select Walden University.
The reminder of social change in most of the assignments and discussion posts
throughout the various courses made it part of my thinking and actions. As for
my understanding of the meaning of social change, I do believe there is always
a motive and a reason for a person to be a social change agent. That motive is
what directs the person towards a goal that contributes to social change. The
meaning of social change for me is what we do as individuals, groups, and
organizations to create change that yields to positive social outcomes.
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Shaima is on the far right of this photo, wearing a black scarf |
Children and women are the most vulnerable groups, who are mostly
dealt with as secondary citizens in the Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) region. The person I’ve become and
what I achieved so far as a Middle Eastern woman is what I consider a great
accomplishment. Going against the norms to achieve noble goals to contribute to
social change was a struggle in a conservative society such as Yemen and the
MENA region in general. However, I was able to harvest the fruits of my work
when I saw the youth I supported come out of their shells and speak for
themselves. With my determination and passion for change, I led national
campaigns and programs contributing to the welfare and protection of children
and young people.
I contributed to social change through the children/youth empowerment network that I initiated with my colleagues in
Yemen, which I consider my life project. Some colleagues and I started this
network with 4 teachers and 10 school students. We trained them on essential
life skills and designing and managing community-service projects. The impact
of this project was tremendous on the community and the youth as well. The
outcomes of this project made me and my colleagues decide to continue and
expand the project. Now the network operates in ten cities with around 1500
youth and 600 teachers who work in community-services projects to support their
communities. My colleagues and I (trainers, field coordinators, and mentors)
are volunteers who made this network one of the biggest in the country. Some of these
young people were selected to present their experience in international
conferences and won in some other international competitions. I always see the
youth transform when they go through an experience in which they design and
lead initiatives themselves and contribute to social change. It is rewarding
when some of these young people meet us and say “you changed our lives”!
What challenges have you encountered in your pursuit of
social change? How have you overcome them?
In a developing country like Yemen, promoting rights
sometimes is a challenge. Young people and children are merely passive
listeners in the different settings, especially home and school. To convince
parents, school teachers and admins, as well as children themselves, that they
can be social change agents was not an easy task at all. However, after they
see the impact of such an experience on their children’s personalities, they usually
support the concept significantly.
How has your education at Walden influenced how you think
about social change?
The reminder of social change in all discussion posts and
assignments always fosters what I am doing and motivates me to keep moving
forward. Moreover, Walden emphasized the importance of research as a key
element in social change.
What are your strengths in writing? What are your greatest
I think my strength in writing is that I often capture the whole
picture when I write about something. However, the fact that English is my
second language makes it sometimes hard to be very expressive and formal.
Can you describe one writing project or assignment that
meant a lot to you in some way?
Actually, they were three assignments: the final projects of
the grant writing course, the annotated bibliography of the Research Theory
Course, and the Public Policy analysis and planning course. The final project of the public policy course
was a great exercise of how to analyze and plan for a public policy in reality.
I am grateful for this exercise as I was able to analyze a very important
policy, which is Family Reunification in Canada. It was a great learning
experience as I was able to analyze and provide solution options based on
literature, similar policies, and commendable practices. This paper was appreciated
by the MP office of the area where I live.
What would you like other Walden students to know? What
advice can you give them as they begin, continue, or close out their degree
In the two residencies I attended, I advised some colleagues
I met to utilize the services available for them such as the Writing Center,
the library, and the Research Center. I was surprised to know that many of them
have not used the services of the Writing Center yet and some of them did not
know about it. I immediately showed them some papers that I got reviewed by the
writing Center and how the paper was enhanced by the feedback of the reviewer. I
would also advise them to look for the motive that makes them want to
contribute to social change. That motive will guide every aspect in their PhD
Program and how they apply the knowledge and skills they gain to contribute to
the social change of the discipline they are interested in.
What writers do you admire, and what is it about their
writing that interests you?
Mutee Dammaj is my favorite writer. He is a Yemeni writer whose novels were appreciated and won prizes internationally. When I read Dammaj, I feel like I am
one of the characters, living their experiences. The way he narrates the story
is very engaging, making the reader visualize what is happening.
What inspires you to write?
At the personal level, writing is like a close friend with
whom I can say what I feel without restraints. Whenever I see something wrong
that needs to be addressed or something rightful that needs to be shared, I
start writing. This writing can be in different forms, such as a post in
Facebook, a study report, a proposal to a funder, etc. In the course of my
career, I contributed to different studies such as the “Country Profile on the
Situation of Children in Yemen,” “Regional Analysis on the Situation of
Violence against Children in Schools in Lebanon, Morocco and Yemen,” a study entirely
led by adolescents on the situation of children using the “Child-led Data
Collection” methodology, national quantitative and qualitative assessment
research on “Violence against children in Schools,” qualitative research on
“Child Marriage, Armed Children and Children in Conflict with the Law in
Yemen.” I also drafted grant proposals to different funders such as the EU, Oxfam,
World Bank, MEPI, UNICEF, Save the Children, and different embassies such as
the US and the Netherlands Embassies.
Walden Writing Center provides information and assistance to students
with services like live chat, webinars, course visits, paper reviews,
podcasts, modules, and the writing center webpages. Through these
services they provide students assistance with APA, scholarly writing,
and help students gain skills and confidence to enhance their scholarly
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Thursday Thoughts: Using Your Academic Writing Skills to Find a Career
You probably spend a lot of time working on discussion posts, essays, and projects for your classes, but do you spend the same amount of time on your cover letter and resume? It may seem like the most important focus for these documents is your actual experience and education, but sentence structure, word choice, and organization matter too. All the academic writing skills you have learned about and refined as a student writer can be applied to the career search and application process. The Walden University Career Services Center provides education and support for the career navigation process. The Writing Center often works with Career Services to share tips and advice for crafting application documents. Although a cover letter may not bear resemblance to a course paper, it is possible to apply academic writing skills and knowledge to the cover letter.Here is a collection of some of our resources for writing application documents
Become a stronger job applicant using academic writing skills: From document formatting to sentence structure, this post reviews some important things to keep in mind when writing a variety of application documents.
Tips to make your cover letter strong: Your cover letter may be the first thing a potential employer reads, so start with this page on our website to discover techniques to make an impact with your cover letter.
How to Write A Dynamic Cover Letter: Let a career services adviser explain the process of writing a cover letter.
Is your resume ready for your next career move? It's nice to have a reminder to keep your resume current and ready to submit. Here, you can read about resume tips from a career services adviser, including how to use strong and clear verbs.
While you probably won't be including outside research and citing sources in your cover letter and resume, you will be able to find ways to apply your academic writing knowledge.
The Walden Writing Center provides information and assistance to students with services like live chat, webinars, course visits, paper reviews, podcasts, modules, and the writing center webpages. Through these services they provide students assistance with APA, scholarly writing, and help students gain skills and confidence to enhance their scholarly work.
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APA Documentation Style in Scholarly Narrative Writing
Monday, August 07, 2017
Expert Advice
Scholarly Writing
writing style
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Some of the trickiest APA questions we receive have to do with how to document sources in narrative style writing. In this style of writing, writers are charged with citing interviews and personal communication and sometimes, even, themselves. This blog post will discuss these types of documentation, commonly found in narrative style writing.Most important in this style of writing is that your readers know your source's credentials and why their ideas are being included in your text. Think critically about the sources you choose to include in your text and make sure their background makes them a credible and reliable resource, with valuable insight on your topic. Rely on individuals who have credible professional experience or research experience in related to your topic.
Citing an Interview or Other Personal Communication
First, it is important to know that an interview or personal communication is cited in your text only. Interviews and other personal communication will never be included your references list.
In your text, interview and personal communication citation guidelines follow standard author/year APA rules. Additionally, however, you must include your source’s first initial, along with the month and day that your communication took place.
For example, if you conducted an interview with Donnie Edwards on May 28, 2017, you would cite this interview as follows:
D. Edwards (personal communication, May 28, 2017) claimed that donuts are better than cookies.
Donuts are better than cookies (D. Edwards, personal communication, May 28, 2017).
In summary, you must include the following information in your in-text citation of interviews or other personal communication.
1. Your source’s first initial and last name
2. The form of communication (personal communication)
3. The month, day, and year that the personal communication took place
And remember, interviews and personal communication sources will never appear in your references list.
Citing Yourself
It is generally recommended that you do not cite your own ideas from previous papers. Walden University (and we at the Writing Center!) know that you’ll revisit your areas of interest again and again during your tenure as a student. Research in your areas of interest will continue to grow during your tenure, which means that you will have new and evolving research to include in your texts. This means that your own analysis of your areas of interest should also be evolving.
The Walden University Student Handbook (2017) builds on this idea, stating that “During their studies at Walden, students might find themselves writing for a second, third, or fourth time on the same topic; regardless, their writing is expected to reflect new approaches and insights into that topic to demonstrate their intellectual growth.”
If you do choose, however, to cite your own ideas from past papers, you can do so by following general author/year APA guidelines. You must include the author’s name (your own name) and the year of publication in your text. For example, if I am citing myself, I might say:
Townsend (2017) claimed that “it is generally recommended that you do not cite yourself in your text.”
“It is generally recommended that you do not cite yourself in your text” (Townsend, 2017).
This is a source that you would include in your reference list, as it adheres to the standard conventions of APA-style documentation.
In summary, due to the continual evolution both of research in your areas of interest and of your own analysis of your areas of interest, Walden University recommends that you avoid citing yourself in your text. However, if you choose to cite yourself in a paper, you must follow standard APA guidelines, and you must also include the source in your references list.
Including a paper of your own in your references list would follow the below format.
Nicole Townsend is a writing instructor in the Walden University Writing Center. She has worked in writing centers for ten years, with an interest in individualizing support for diverse student populations. While Nicole also enjoys editorial work and teaching English as an adjunct professor, her passion is for the foundation of collaboration embedded in writing center best practices.
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In summary, due to the continual evolution both of research in your areas of interest and of your own analysis of your areas of interest, Walden University recommends that you avoid citing yourself in your text. However, if you choose to cite yourself in a paper, you must follow standard APA guidelines, and you must also include the source in your references list.
Including a paper of your own in your references list would follow the below format.
Townsend. N. (2017). A query into self-citation. Unpublished manuscript, Walden University.
Nicole Townsend is a writing instructor in the Walden University Writing Center. She has worked in writing centers for ten years, with an interest in individualizing support for diverse student populations. While Nicole also enjoys editorial work and teaching English as an adjunct professor, her passion is for the foundation of collaboration embedded in writing center best practices.
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WriteCast Episode 42: Using Creative Writing Strategies in Academic Writing
You don't have to be a creative writer to use the tips in this episode of WriteCast! Join writing instructors Max and Claire for a discussion of creative writing strategies--such as knowing where you're going and how you're going to get there, writing exploratory drafts, anticipating audience response, getting a secondary reader, and understanding deconstruction--that you can use to strengthen your academic writing.
To stream the episode, press the play button the player above. To download the episode to your computer, press the share button on the player, and then press the download button.
To stream the episode, press the play button the player above. To download the episode to your computer, press the share button on the player, and then press the download button.
In this episode, we mention a few blog post resources that may be helpful in conjunction with this episode:
APA Documentation Style in Scholarly Narrative Writing
Access all of our podcast episodes and transcripts on our website.
Access all of our podcast episodes and transcripts on our website.
The WriteCast podcast is produced by Anne Shiell and the staff of the Walden University Writing Center and delves into a different writing issue in each episode. In line with the mission of the Writing Center, WriteCast provides multi-modal, on demand writing instruction that enhances students' writing skill and ease. We hope you enjoy this episode and comment in the box below.
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