Let's Get Personal: Utilizing 1st Person Point of View in Academic Writing

After spending so much time reading course materials, digging through library databases, and reflecting on the expertise of others, it can seem odd when the time comes to include personal experience in academic writing. However, sometimes we have to include this personal experience. Perhaps it is a reflective discussion post or final project based on original research. Maybe it is a piece of professional communication or even a prospectus. Any of these documents may end up including first person point of view or personal experiences. 

A set of colorful post-it notes with "a little something to remember" written on them

A little something to remember: Even when we include our personal experiences, we have to follow APA style guidelines and general best practices in academic writing. Here are some of the resources you may find useful when including first person point of view and personal experiences in your academic writing.

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The Walden University Writing Center creates and organizes material related to all aspects of scholarly writing. Explore our blog posts, modules, webinars, website content, and more by starting at our homepage: https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/writingcenter 

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