Thursday Thoughts: September in Sight

While the globe spins us into a new season, the Writing Center also shifts gears, with a webinar schedule set to satisfy the needs of new and returning students alike. If you took a break from classes this summer, we missed you! Welcome back. If you were taking classes during the summer in-between summer activities and family reunions, we tip our hats to you. Whatever your schedule was like this summer, we are happy you're joining us this fall, and we hope you'll join us, too, for our series of September webinars.

A set of pay-to-view binoculars sits atop a building that overlooks a city skyline. Text reads: "Thursday Thoughts: Walden University Writing  Center"

Next month, we'll be talking about abstracts and how to write them, common grammar errors and how to fix them, APA guidelines and how you can abide by them, and instructor comments and how to use them. Click on the links below for more information and to register! 

Feel free, as well, to check out our entire Webinar Recording Library here! We can't wait to see you there! 

The Walden Writing Center offers to Walden students 1:1 writing support and offers to students and non-students alike all the writing expertise, tips, and information a writer could want.

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